Climate Beneficial™ Fiber Pool Ranches
Creating soil health, one fiber at-a-time.
The Climate Beneficial™ Fiber Pool Ranches
Growing healthy soil—its what we do.
Through implementing their Carbon Farming Plans, these ranchers
will be responsible for sequestering, at minimum,
an additional 13,000 metric tons of atmospheric Carbon per year—
the equivalent of removing 2,900 gas powered vehicles from the road.
This is the amount of carbon they are drawing down from the atmosphere and into their soils beyond ‘business as usual’ scenarios.
Carbon feeds all soil biology—microbes and fungi and earthworms underground. Climate Beneficial™ ranchers consider carbon as their fertilizer, as it’s what drives a healthy system.
Instead of relying on synthetic chemistry and tilling the soil, our ranchers enrich the earth with compost and rotate a diverse array of cover crops through the fields each season. Sheep trample the ground and return the nutrients back into the soil.
Our Fibershed Climate Beneficial™ ranching community continues to expand due to the scaffolding that the Carbon Farm Plans provide.
Sustainable, regenerative practices become more achievable with financial & directional support.